Instead, focus on ideas that will meaningfully impact a company-wide objective, and then give your team context for the direction you’ve chosen. The more you can explain why a goal is in place, the better-equipped the team will be to suggest and assess goals in the future. It’s your...
Taking the knowledge-share concept a step further, you can also tap into the expertise of more experienced staff members and provide monthly lunch-and-learns where employees take turns presenting their ideas on how to improve customer service in the workplace. Such shared learning helps the whole...
Achieving customer service goals starts with setting better objectives. Here’s how to do it – with plenty of examples.
Tip: Having your support team share honest feedback from customers with management can help to mitigate product issues and inspire new product ideas.3. Build customer relationships (even with AI) We found that 66% of Millennials and 61% of Gen Zers prefer to use self-service for simple re...
Without customers, your genius, innovative, and million dollar ideas are worthless. Your customers are the lifeblood of your business.
From the second viewpoint, the developer sees the key customer as a “co-developer” partner with more extensive involvement in the development process in terms of offering knowledge (e.g., ideas and market information) and in-house capabilities (e.g., human resource, technology, etc.) (...
When an organization is able to create that culture where it’s safe to express ideas, ask questions, admit mistakes, staff are retained longer, productivity is supercharged, and true self-empowerment happens. Why am I mentioning this? With the increase now in the use of unif...
There is no argument--great search is key to achieving the benefits of Web self-service--but most search solutions for Web self-service and support fall short because they don't adapt to the special needs of the self-service user. Consider these key ideas for success when you are serious...
Digital customer service tools can help streamline workflows, increase consumer interest, and deliver personalized customer support. Transform your customer interactions with these six digital tools.
New ideas directed towards the company and customer's goal that allows your company to grow from simply providing a service or product, to becoming a thought leader and innovator. This is the extra value that budget-minded customers are looking for in this economy. Analog Leadership, Digital ...