兄弟决裂,Jimmy决定顺从本性,成为了Saul Goodman,而Chuck此时还希望能阻止Jimmy继续当律师,以免不可预料...
The two most important relationships inBetter Call Saulwere between Jimmy and Chuck, andJimmy and Kim. Chuck never believed that Jimmy was worthy of the McGill name, or of a career as a lawyer, despite how hard his brother worked for it. To Chuck, Jimmy would always be the low-level co...
Hamlin and McGill, Jimmy reveals the stunning news to his brother Chuck that he’s passed the Bar Exam, after years of secretly taking night and weekend courses. “Distance learning,” as they call it. Chuck’s initial skepticism quickly gives way to pride in his brother’s ...
Chuck’s suspicions about Jimmy became a self-fulfilling prophecy, where his determination to stop his brother instead set Jimmy down the path to becoming Saul Goodman, where he otherwise could have been perfectly happy practicing elder law for HHM. (Well, maybe; we saw how things ended for ...
哈姆林霍华德(Howard Hamlin)这一角色在这一集中展现了他深思熟虑后的机关算尽,他的生日变故与剧情发展紧密相连,揭示出他试图以悲情姿态博取同情的策略,这与吉米·麦吉尔(Jimmy McGill)的手段何其相似,只是他选择的对象有所不同。莱尼(Lenny)的特型演员角色在此刻发生了关键性转变,他的故事线与...
AMC(AmericanMovie Classics)于今日发表声明称,广受好评的剧集Better Call Saul(下略为BCS)的第三季将于美国中部时间四月十日九点钟(北京时间四月九号晚上十一点)进行首映。新的一季里,Jimmy McGill(Bob Odenkirk饰)将继续他跌宕起伏的律师生涯,逐步蜕变成Breaking Bad中那个名震阿尔伯克齐的黑律师——骚·大好人(Sau...
《Better Call Saul》通过诸如“阿玛里洛”集名的黄色寓意、角色对比(如Jimmy的贪婪与Chuck的传统与Mike的生存之道)等手法,揭示了人性的多面性。如Jimmy情感的转变,以及Mike与Hank的命运交汇,都展现了剧集在探讨个人命运时的丰富层次。爱情的缺席、欲望的追求与生存的挣扎在剧集中交织,观众在剧中人物...
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