Better Call Saul: Réalisé par Terry McDonough. Avec Bryan Cranston, Anna Gunn, Aaron Paul, Dean Norris. Badger is caught by the DEA. Walt and Jesse hire the best criminal lawyer in town, Saul Goodman.
分享15赞 绝命毒师吧 色影师leon you'd better call Saul本来以为索尔是个跑龙套小角色 现在觉得索尔还是不错的,真心靠得住啊 不惜得罪麦克也保住了jess和老白 分享18赞 ladygaga吧 薯饼😂 【Haus of GaGa】关于you and I...一楼献给gaga 分享32赞 rain吧 EvilGirl 【对宝说..】I like you, just the...