National Children's Bureau: A Profile. Described in the pamphlet are the workings of the National Children's Bureau, an interdisciplinary organization concerned with all aspects of children's ne... P Wedge - Test and Book Sales Division, NZCER, P.O. Box 3237, Wellington, New Zealand (3....
Dire straits at theStrait of Messina(source) At the time, Messina was described as governed by a “lump of interests” in which politics, business and the mafia were involved. This lump had its fulcrum at the university. A question arises: has anything changed today? The reason for the ce...
The fundamental goal of RaC is to eliminate the costly and counterproductive chasm between policy development and its implementation as part of digital services — no matter whether undertaken by government itself or through intermediaries such as a citizen advice bureau, a tax agent, a shipping agen...