Better Business Bureau 在上面我们可以按行业查询或者是输入自己的行业词查询,可以找到相关的企业名录 比如我输入auto parts,可以查询到纽约地区403家企业 点击任意一家公司,可以看到诸如公司名称、地址、电话号码、简介、网站链接、高管名字、成立年份、员工数目等信息。 利用上述信息,可以迅速获得一家公司的...
CHICAGO (CBS)— The Better Business Bureau is warning people ahead of tax season to be aware of various potential scams fraudsters can perform in an attempt to steal money and identity information. The BBB says scammers will attempt to capitalize on taxpayers who may feel pressure when filing...
Better Business Bureau 更好生意局;商业改善局简称BBB,总部设于美国华盛顿,分支机构遍及美国及加拿大各大城市,为一保护消费者免于受不实广告与诈欺销售的服务性民间组织,经费则来自于各大工商企业团体的捐赠。其服务对象并不限 internet better business bureau Interent事务改进局 better business 业务改善 for the...
CHICAGO (CBS)— The Better Business Bureau is warning people ahead of tax season to be aware of various potential scams fraudsters can perform in an attempt to steal money and identity information. The BBB says scammers will attempt to capitalize on taxpayers who may feel pressure when filing....
商业改进局(英语:Better Business Bureau,简称 BBB)是一个成立于 1912 年的非营利组织,其目标是促进建立公平有效的市场,以便买家和卖家能够建立互信。它由美国、加拿大和墨西哥的超过 106 家独立本地组织联合组成,由位于维吉尼亚州阿灵顿的国际商业改进局协会(International Association of Better Business Bu...
BBB全名是 Better Business Bureau, 是一个非常具有权威性的认证,也是世界公认的行业最高标准的认证。获得了BBB认证的企业,已经符合了商业行为的BBB守则。这个“守则”是企业如何对待客户的一套全面的政策、流…
Businesses from across the state were inducted into the 2008 Circle of Honor - Duran Homes of Jackson, Joe E. Fountain, Jr. & Company of D'Iberville, Madison Planting & Design Group of Canton, McLaurin Carpets of Soso, Pride Hyundai of Batesville, Two Men and a Truck of Ridgeland and ...
网络释义 1. 商业改进局 商业改进局(Better Business Bureau),北美民间团体,保护消费者权益Big Buck Bunny,Blender基金会用开放源码工具制 …|基于149个网页 2. 商业促进局 荷丽是商业促进局(Better Business Bureau)军方计划理事会的负责人,她说,一些财务顾问发现许多军人消费者在付汽车贷 … ...
The meaning of BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU is used for a bureau maintained by businesses in a town or city for keeping up local standards of honesty in business transactions.
BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU Popularly known as consumer advocates, Better Business Bureaus (BBBs) are private, nonprofit membership organizations that attempt to resolve consumer complaints with businesses. They also publish consumer protection warnings and histories of unresolved complaints against companies. BBB...