【邦妮汉化】BetterBuildBuy(BBB)更好的建造购买 含物品栏扩列 最新版本,三宫六院 - 模拟人生|模拟人生3|模拟人生4|模拟市民|www.sglynp.com
Better BuildBuy即BBB,是对建造购买模式进行优化扩展的模组,包含内容: 1. 优化建造购买模式筛选器 2. 有组织的调试和现场编辑对象 3. 显示/隐藏CC(即自订内容) 4. 删除保护 5. 添加建造模式“最爱”收藏夹 6. 取消部分秘籍要求,如bb.moveobjects on(即MOO) 7. 建造购买模式的物品栏扩列 8. 建造购买模式允...
(买组 & All buy & 不买不可能小组) 资源分享|ubuntu22.04.03.LTS安装模拟人生4并解锁dlc教程 (The Sims西姆市小组) 花蜜储藏|才华入组 如何免费下载最新版本的Steam游戏 (花草种植交流基地小组) 工具|一些安卓私藏 app (沉迷优秀App不能自拔小组) 版本讨论|提高游戏体验,常用工具分享(含使用教程) (...
好奇怪啊,UI是l.36版本了最新的了,MC4.1,butterbuildbuy和tool等等都是最新的,但是better exception说上面的登西全报错。用查重软件查的话连注入器也说损坏脚本,友友们有这种情况吗。游戏说1.99版本的赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 轨道布丁SAGAN (EST 1990) 2023-08-26 23:51:40 北京 ...
Mods夹位置:\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods③打开游戏,进入建造模式,在右下角筛选物品的菜单内,点击“Better BuildBuy”,勾选“有组织的调试”;④保存后重新启动游戏。 ▶ 使用教程 ① 论坛作者【是你的木木呀】写的简易版图文教程:https://www.sglynp.com/t97116 ...
Mods夹位置:\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods③打开游戏,进入建造模式,在右下角筛选物品的菜单内,点击“Better BuildBuy”,勾选“有组织的调试”;④保存后重新启动游戏。 ▶ 使用教程 ① 论坛作者【是你的木木呀】写的简易版图文教程:https://www.sglynp.com/t97116 ...
It states that leaders need to specify their goals and make plans according to them. It also states that once the business has been created from scratch, its models need to be refined at frequent intervals. It advises to keep checking with other entrepreneurs.Claire...
Better to buy than build, CF says regarding Terra CF Industries executives said the company's proposed all-stock deal for Terra Industries would be far better than investing in new construction, especially after savings from synergies between the two firms are considered (FWA, January 1... FWA...
作者原址:https://www.patreon.com/TwistedMexi/posts?filters[tag]=BetterBuildBuy 安装步骤: ①下载好文件后,右键点击解压缩; ②将解压缩出的文件夹整个复制粘贴至Mods夹内(不可另外建立子文件夹); Mods夹位置:\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods ...
Better BuildBuy is a suite of build mode features that make building a much more enjoyable experience. To name a few features: More refined filters Organized Debug and LiveEdit Objects Light Editor in Build Mode Cinematic Camera (TAB) in Build Mode ...