Recommended Mods: Smarter Baby Care- which tunes the autonomy of baby care interactions to make Sims treat their newborns much more intelligently. *** Mod Support available via my Discord:
I reallyyyyy think we could get babies to be more like in the sims free play they have the BEST baby stage and I also think pregnancy could have a control to change the amount of time a sim is pregnant maybe? Scobren 4 years ago ...
mod sims4 陈楚生詹雯婷带你沉浸仙侠,十大IP速来围观>> 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・) 发布 置顶安装的时候有两种情况,一种是我视频里的,直接退出了游戏(也是成功的),一种是会出现弹窗,点确定以后手动退出游戏,也是成功的,我也不知道为什么我安装的时候没有弹窗直接退了安装成功后右下角的标签框会有一个默...
Hello, recently I have been trying to fix my The Sims 4 game after the patch of 2 weeks ago. I thought everything finally could work, but when I opened the last family I have played with on CAS it doesn't work. I have TwistedMexi's Better Exceptions mod. This is...
day or get to know and you can actually learn traits from idle chat. Additionally, they can use mean interactions autonomously. This Mod also features Risky Woohoo as opposed to the game's 0% chance of a baby unless you try, which forces you to decide when a Sim is ready for pregnancy...