Born on Jan. 1, 1752 in Philadelphia,Elizabeth “Betsy” Rossposthumously gained fame for making the first American flag. The popularized narrative first became public in 1870 — about 94 years after she allegedly sewed it — when her grandson William Canby told the story to the Historical Soc...
Betsy Ross Lesson for Kids: Biography & Facts from Chapter 7 / Lesson 20 18K Betsy Ross has been credited with making the first American flag, does this story agree with the historical facts? Let's take a closer look at Betsy, her life, and her connection to the creation of the Ame...
According to legend, Betsy Ross made the first American flag. Despite a lack of credible evidence to support this, she remains an icon of American history.
In the event of my death, I would like all of the profiles for people not living that I manage alone to be changed to Open. Also, if any project pages are still just in my name, they need to be turned over to the appropriate project. Space pages that I have created can all be ...
Betsy Ross, seamstress who, according to family stories, fashioned and helped design the first flag of the United States. Although the story is widely popular, there is no firm support for it. However, it is known that Ross made flags for the navy. Learn