And I basically gave them all rights to the movie, and he had a camera crew flying to Boise. And he spent a great deal of money on this story. I actually have an email where I sent his secretary and I said, can you please tell Franklin not to give me money? I don’t feel ...
Betrayal At House on the Hill is a board game and the second game featured on the Game Grumps side show Table Flip. In addition to Suzy and Barry, it features Arin and Markiplier as guests. It was released on Polaris on December 21st, 2013, and on YouTub
The press is full of examples of Producer Scott Rudin’s various out-of-control behaviors. TheHollywood ReporterHeadline shouts: "Everyone Just Knows He'san Absolute Monster" and theNew York Timesheadline screams “Volatile and Vengeful: How Scott Rudin Wielded Power in Show Business.” About vol...
elizabeth chambers has been joking to friends that the only thing that makes sense to her, looking back on her marriage, is the netflix movie starring zac efron as ted bundy— extremely wicked, shockingly evil and vile. armie earned her sympathy, according to vucekovich, throug...