Yap-Zemin Etkileimi Dikkate Alnarak Betonarme Yaplarn Dorusal Olmayan 3 Boyutlu Dinamik Analizi. (Turkish).(English):Earthquakes cause time-dependent displacement motion due to dynamic effect on structures. Response of structures to these effects is based on the subgrade soil properties. ...
A2 Düzensizlii Bulunan Betonarme Bir Binann, Mod Birletirme Yntemi le Deprem Performansnn Belirlenmesi. (Turkish).(English):In this study, the seismic safety level of a RC structures is evaluated with a linear analysis method; "the mode integration method" that is described in Turkish ...
(English):Improvements in concrete technology enabled engineers to produce special concretes with high strengths. However, as known high strength concrete exhibits a very brittle behavior. Many researchers have tried to change this brittle failure mode to a ductile type failure by adding various types...