BETDAQ is one of the market leading exchange betting companies charging 0% commission* on everything except Football, Horse Racing, Greyhound Racing & Cricket.…
BETDAQ offers a fantastic range of Horse racing and Greyhound markets with a very attractive 2% commission structure on all exchange markets. The API is very powerful and the BETDAQ platform suffers the least unscheduled downtime among all the major sports betting exchanges. ...
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Why win on one exchange when you can win on two!If you are already a BetDaq user, or a native Betfair site user who also wants to exploit BetDaq, then DaqBot can help you to improve your performance by giving you many facilities that are not available to you on either of the ...
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This article reports on the resignation of Rob Hartnett from Betdaq to establish an online gambling venture as of January 27, 2005. Hartnett refused to discuss details of his new business, but said it was not a betting exchange, addressing speculation that he would head a new exchange from a...
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FairBot is optimised for speed, which gives you a powerful advantage against other exchange users. Its incredibly-fast market refreshing, one-click bets or trades placement and execution, "drag & drop" feature in the Ladder interface for fast bet amendment, and multi-market ability with the Mar...
Weekend's Action]]>VILLA got the weakest side of the remaining four in the LeagueCup, yet they still couldn't get...McInally, Alan