网络释义 1. 转角 ... (random coil),占45.93%;β-转角(Beta turn),占9.35%;延伸链(extended strand),占27.64%。|基于7个网页
Beta-turn mimic in tripeptide with Phe(1)-Aib(2) as corner residues and beta-strand structure in an isomeric tripeptide: an X-ray diffraction study.Chemical burnAcid burnAlkali burnMicrocirculationIntravital fluorescent microscopyLeukocyte–endothelium interaction...
网络转角 网络释义 1. 转角 ...%伸展链(extendedstrand),6%β-转角(betaturn),35%无规卷曲(randomcoil)。|基于 1 个网页
β转角(The Beta Turn)混合热力学.pdf,β 转角(The Beta Turn) 1. 由4个氨基酸残基组成(第1个编号为n ,第4个则为 n+3) ,其中n位的羰基O和n+3位的酰胺N上的H形成氢 键(Is composed of four successive amino acid residues. The carbonyl oxygen of the nth residue for
The overall peptide conformation is typically folded into a beta-turn-like motif. The stabilization of the peptide backbone conformation by nonconventional C-H...O weak intramolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions, involving the ester terminal carbon atom and the ethereal oxygen of the Boc group, has...
MOTIVATION: Numerous methods for predicting beta-turns in proteins have been developed based on various computational schemes. Here, we introduce a new method of beta-turn prediction that uses the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm t... Q Zhang,S Yoon,WJ Welsh - BIOINFORMATICS -OXFORD- 被...
Exploration of beta-turn scaffolding motifs as components of sialyl Le(X) mimetics and their relevance to P-selectin 来自 Wiley 喜欢 0 阅读量: 20 作者:S Hanessian,HK Huynh,GV Reddy,G Mcnaughton-Smith,B Ernst,HC Kolb,J Magnani,C Sweeley ...
Troganis A, Gerothanassis IP, Athanassiou Z, Mavromoustakos T, Hawkes GE, Sakarellos C (2000) Thermodynamic origin of cis/trans isomers of a proline-containing beta-turn model dipeptide in aqueous solution: a combined variable temperature 1H-NMR, two-dimensional 1 H, 1 H gradient enhanc...
alpha 是在考虑 beta 后对超额回报的衡量。Beta 是股票每周或每月价格变动与市场价格变动之间线性回归的斜率,alpha 是y轴截距。如果一只股票的 beta 为 1,那么人们应该预期当市场上涨或下跌 2% 时,该股票将上涨或下跌 2% 加上它的 alpha。如果它的 beta 是 2,当市场上涨或下跌 2% 时,股票将上涨或下跌 4% ...