Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia beta globulin n. Any of a group of globulins in blood plasma that in an electrophoretic separation of serum proteins migrate faster toward the anode than gamma globulins but more slowly than alpha globulins. Beta globulins include transferrin and other transport protein...
For example, anemia due to gamma-hemoglobinopathies resolves spontaneously, whereas beta hemoglobinopathies are clinically inapparent at birth and manifest only after a few months. Anemia from alpha-hemoglobinopathies can occur throughout life (prenatal and postnatal) (see Chapter 9: Hemoglobinopath...
These excess alpha-globin chains tend to aggregate and form insoluble structures within the red blood cells, making them less flexible and more prone to damage, contributing to their premature destruction (hemolysis) [4]. The combination of inefficient hemoglobin production, hemolysis, and ineffective...