Mo, V, Zr, Cr, Fe, Al, Si and O were the principle determinants of beta transus. The 'r2' (92.0% vs. 90.7%) and mean predicted error [training (1.4% vs. 2.8%) and testing (2% vs. 2.4%)] pattern in ANN and MLR models suggest superior performance of ANN model. Multifactor ...
Beta21S and Beta21S-0.1B alloys were annealed above the beta transus temperature for different times to investigate the effect of boron on grain size stability.The TiB precipitates were very effective in restricting the beta grain boundary mobility by Zener pinning. A model has been developed ...
On the β-transus and order/disorder transition temperature in superplastic super α2 Ti3Al base alloy (900-1050°C), the accommodation process via dislocation glide+climb might have an equal chance in proceeding in the ordered [beta] grains as well as ... CS Liauo,HC Fu,IC Hsiao,......
compared with alpha/beta titanium alloys. The beta transus temperature can be estimated from the Mo-Eq value, as noted by the plot in Fig.4. Relative to standard-grade Ti6Al4V, most beta alloys have 100°C to 200°C lower transus temperatures, permitting reduced thermomechanical processing ...
transus isothermal forging of Ti–5Al–5Mo–5V–3Cr for three different starting microstructur es and pointed out that the initial flow behavior and the dominating deformation mechanis m de- pended on the morphology and volume fraction of a precipitates . ...
The microstructural evolution of titanium alloys during subtransus isothermal forging (IF) has been effectively demonstrated using a testing methodology developed at Imperial College London. Double truncated cone specimen geometries were isothermally deformed at near beta transus temperatures to obtain ...
Post-processing heat treatments are a useful tool to specifically tailor the microstructure and mechanical properties according to the application needs. In general, the most important factor to consider when heat treating the Ti-6Al-4V alloy is its β-transus temperature (Tβ), over which the ...
Figure 7b reveals the same single β phase in the Near-HAZ, indicating that the temperature in the Near-HAZ is higher than β-transus and lower than the solidification temperature. Figure 7c shows the size and distribution of the α phase in the Far-HAZ, which is called the “Ghost α...
Though the TiB phase did not provide any additional nucleation sites for alpha precipitation, the grain refinement obtained by boron additions resulted in accelerated aging.;An investigation of the thermomechanical processing behavior showed different deformation mechanisms above the beta transus temperature...