Sign for Beta To become a tester, we need you to accept the following terms for the test phase. Terms of becoming a Tester We need your name and email to be able to contact you regarding the test phase of the Immersive Parenting app We collect usage data within the Immersive Parenting ...
1、打开雷神加速器,搜索“王权与自由”,选择带有“Steam”标识版本,开启一键加速; 补充:雷神已同步支持王权与自由游戏、官网、Steam及亚马逊平台加速,一次性解决官网无法正常打开、亚马逊账号注册不了等问题。 2、右侧工具栏点击【国际服官网地址】,一键跳转前往,进行注册申请; 3、点击官网首页中间“TESTER SIGN UP(测...
HONOR X9a MagicOS New System Beta Tester Recruitment MagicOS 7.1 Beta for X9a is coming! Participate in the Beta program and win the prize (HONOR X9a / Pad X8 / Band 7) Registration Method Please visit Beta User Center on MY HONOR app to register. Registration steps: My ...
A beta tester provides feedback and reports bugs from the current beta build, enabling our team of developers to make necessary adjustments and fix reported issues effectively. When do you plan on starting the beta? We plan to start the Beta in the following weeks to give you time for feed...
To access the latest versions of Rocket Player or iSyncr, ou can sign up to be a beta tester in the Google Play Store (either Rocket Player or iSyncr). Once you've successfully joined the beta, an update for the app will be available on Google Play. Rocket Player Beta Sign Up ...
Don't miss your chance to explore, test, and shape the Razer Arena before its official launch. Sign up and become a BETA tester today.Terms & Conditions apply*HOW TO BECOME A BETA TESTER: Fill out and submit the form below Wait for invitation via email Get the latest updates and more ...
Because that's what you do right now as an app developer when you want to add a new tester to your TestFlight app:Open Screenshots Why don't you have a simple web site you can share with potential testers (e.g. email newsletter, Facebook, Twitter) on which people interested in trying...
View all tests|Sign up as a tester The test report holds the truth The results from each test will be sent to you as a test report, answering the questions and tasks that you gave the tester. Beta Family makes this easy with ready-made templates and a powerful survey engine. ...
使用TestFlight App帮助开发者测试 Beta 版 App 和轻 App。请在App Store中下载适用于 iPhone、iPad、Mac、Apple TV、Apple Vision Pro、Apple Watch和 iMessage 信息的 TestFlight。 开始使用 若要使用 TestFlight 测试 Beta 版 App 和轻 App,你需要接受开发者的电子邮件邀请或公开链接邀请,并且拥有可用于测试的设...
How do I sign up for Bricsys® Beta Tester Program? Click on “Join the program” and complete the form. What is the Bricsys® Beta Tester Program? What is BricsCAD® beta? What are the requirements to become a BricsCAD® Beta Tester? As a BricsCAD® Beta Tester, what should...