夸克簇电磁学衰变率p, n, Σ + ,Σ - ,Ξ 0 ,Ξ - 和贝它的 Baryon 磁性的时刻腐烂比率(G /G n →的 V )p, Σ - → n 和Ξ 0 →Σ + 在一个有颜色的夸克簇模型被计算.与碎的苏(3 ) 一起,模型给一好对那些的试验性的值合适锁那里的磁性的时刻和贝它腐烂比率.我们的结果证明轨道的运动...
We are preparing to measure the branching ratio of the positron decay of 21 Na(3 2) to 21 Ne(5 2 , 350 keV). This branch is 5% of the total decay rate, with the remainder going directly to the ground state 21 Ne(3 2). The branching ratio was first measured in 1960 to be 2 ...
We use LHC dijet data to derive constraints on neutrinoless double beta decay. Upper limits on cross sections for the production of exotic resonances, such as a right-handed W boson or a diquark, can be converted into lower limits on the double beta decay half-life for fixed choices of ot...
What is conserved in beta plus decay? Does beta radiation have mass? What is a virtual particle? How many particles are in the Standard Model of Particle Physics? What is the Higgs boson field? What subatomic particle did Rutherford discover? What are alpha, beta and gamma decay? The Part...
Show that the nuclei is stable relative to beta plus decay by electron capture In a Rutherford scattering experiment, an alpha-particle (charge = +2e) heads directly toward a gold nucleus (charge = +79e). The alpha-particle had a...
neutrino double-beta decay of 136Xe, then the respective half-life is T 1/2 = 5.8 −1.8 +4.7 × 1021 yr. 展开 DOI: 10.1134/S1063778813090068 年份: 2013 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 EBSCO 相似文献Mature results of a phase III randomized trial of bacillus Calmette–G...
Psi(2S) Decay to J/Psi(1S)+2 pi or J/Psi(1S) plus sigma+2 pi We estimate the decay rate of the I (2S) to J/I (1S) + 2 pi and J/I (1S) + sigma + 2 pi. This is based on the mixed hybrid theory that was developed for th... LS Kisslinger,LJ Zhou,PM Wei-Xingshen...
A relativistic constituent quark model is used to calculate the semileptonic\nbeta decay of nucleons and hyperons. The parameters of the model, namely, the\nconstituent quark mass and the confinement scale, are fixed by a previous\ncalculation of the magnetic moments of the baryon octet within...
夸克簇电磁学衰变率p, n, Σ\n+,Σ\n-,Ξ\n0,Ξ\n- 和贝它的 Baryon 磁性的时刻腐烂比率(G /G n →\n的 V )p, Σ\n-→\nn 和Ξ\n0→\nΣ\n+ 在一个有颜色的夸克簇模型被计算.与碎的苏(3 ) 一起,模型给一好对那些的试验性的值合适锁那里的磁性的时刻和贝它腐烂比率.我们的结果证明...
Baryon Magnetic Moment and Beta Decay Ratio in Colored Quark Cluster Model重子磁性矩夸克簇电磁学衰变率p, n, Σ +,Σ -,Ξ 0,Ξ - 和贝它的 Baryon 磁性的时刻腐烂比率(G /G n →的 V )p, Σ -→ n 和Ξ 0→Σ + 在一个有颜色的夸克簇模型被计算.与碎的苏(3 ) 一起,模型...