[Fowler] 大致上,以 -ity 结尾的词通常表示形容词所描述的品质,或具体的品质实例,或所有实例的集合; 以 -ism 结尾的词表示倾向或所有感受到这种倾向的人的集合。[福勒] 广告bestiality 的使用趋势 广告仅供参考,由机器翻译系统提供。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning of bestiality...
Word History Etymology Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin bestialis, from bestia beast First Known Use 14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a Time Traveler The first known use of bestial was in the 14th century See more words from the same century ...
late 14c., "the nature of beasts," frombestial+-ity. The meaning "indulgence in bestial instincts" is from 1650s; the sense of "sexual activity with a beast" is from 1611 (KJV). also fromlate 14c. Entries linking tobestiality
Meaning indulgence in beastly instincts is from 1650s; sense of sexual activity with a beast is from 1611 (KJV) … Etymology dictionary bestiality— ► NOUN 1) savagely cruel and wicked behaviour. 2) sexual intercourse between a person and an animal … English terms dictionary bestiality— [...
bestial (adj.) 14世紀晚期,“屬於野獸的”,約1400年,“具有野獸的品質”,源自古法語bestial(13世紀)“與動物有關; 像野獸一樣,愚蠢,愚笨,殘忍”,直接源自拉丁語bestialis“像野獸一樣”,來自bestia(見beast)。 英語中“低於人類尊嚴”的意義始於約1400年,對野獸的評價常常是不公正的。當指的是《啓示錄》...