The bestYugioh Master Duel metadecks don’t always rely on thebest Yugioh cardsor even ultra-expensiverare Yugioh cards– when youplay Yugioh onlineyou won’t triumph through raw power alone. Instead they utilise clever synergies to deliver dramatic results. That means each one has a number of...
While the most expensive Yugioh cards are not always the most powerful, a strong deck can still set you back. If you prefer not to pay for physical cards at all and play online, this list of the best Yugioh Master Duel meta decks will be more helpful to you. You’ll notice some over...
Zodiac Tri-Brigade is considered one of the most powerful meta decks in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel. It is a very powerful card, as you will be able to put out a strong field using just a single card, however for this to work, you either need Tri-Brigade Fraktall or should have the abil...
Admittedly, YuGiOh Master Duel can be a little hard for beginners who don't know how to build the best decks. As we said in our review, while the game's a huge boon for anyone obsessively playing YuGiOh, it's not exactly the most welcoming for new player
There are a ton of great decks to play in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, but as players climb the ranks, there are some decks that top the current metagame.
There are lots of ways to earn free cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, and players can claim free Secret Packs with the game's crafting system.
Updated November 2nd, 2022 by Daniel Furn: With the release of Master Duel and now Cross Duel, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is no longer the only way to play the iconic card game digitally. However, Duel Links remains popular due to its unique format and constant updates, with the addition of...