2023年3月18日-24日,第28届亚洲计算机辅助建筑设计研究协会国际会议(CAADRIA 2023)在印度CEPT大学的巴尔万特赖· 布拉姆巴特演讲厅召开。 会上,博士生吴昊作为同济大学智能设计与建造团队(AIDC)的一员,获得2023 Young CAADRIA Award,同时,...
“威士忌界的奥斯卡”爆冷门 素有威士忌界“奥斯卡”之称的2023年世界威士忌大赏(World Whiskies Awards,简称WWA)评审结果已经揭晓,真可谓是黑马频出。 世界威士忌大赏对于威士忌爱好者来说并不陌生,此奖由业内权威媒体《威士忌杂志》(Whisky Magazine)创办,是全球范围内威士忌的权威年度评选,评审员来自苏格兰、英格兰、美...
OndateMay30th A+Awardshasofficialyannounced MUDAArchitectsasthe2023A+AwardsWinneroftheJuryPrizefortheBestYoungFirm.Thisyear'sA+Awardsfeatured106projectcategorie
Clemens' seven Cy Young Awards are a record, but he was never better than in his first season north of the border. Runner-up: Randy Johnson, SEA (197 ERA+) 7. Steve Carlton, 1972 NL (Phillies) Key stats: 1.97 ERA (182 ERA+), 2.01 FIP, 30 CG While wins are not typically a use...
Taming the world's longest wooden roller coaster, The Beast, has been a rite of passage for young thrill seekers since the 7,361-foot- long monster's opening in 1979. During the park's 50th anniversary last year, The Beast's first drop became a few degrees steeper, and the Cincinnati-...
toColdplay’sX&Y, featuring the soaring lead single “Speed of Sound,” the standout “Fix You” and additional singles “Talk” and “The Hardest Part.” The other nominated options would have been Foo Fighters’In Your Honor, The Rolling Stones’A Bigger Bangand Neil Young’sPrairie ...
Yoon “Homme” Sung-young (JD Gaming - League of Legends) Best Esports Event 2023 League of Legends World Championship - WINNER Blast.tv Paris Major 2023 EVO 2023 The International Dota 2 Championships 2023 VALORANT Champions 2023 Tagged in: ...
Christian Young Adult Christian: Bible Study Christian: Children’s Christian: Devotional Christian: Fantasy Christian: Fiction Christian: Health and Diet Christian: Non-Fiction Christian: Novella Christian: Self-Help Coming Of Age Fantasy/Paranormal/Supernatural ...
热切期待之中,12月11日晚,由成都BANG主办的第八届The Best BANG Awards 2023年度成都城市生活大赏,终于在“空中四合院,都市桃花源”成都海湾大酒店拉开神秘面纱!本届年度城市生活大赏共分为艺术文旅文博大赏、酒店旅游&人文餐厅大赏、都市...
toColdplay’sX&Y, featuring the soaring lead single “Speed of Sound,” the standout “Fix You” and additional singles “Talk” and “The Hardest Part.” The other nominated options would have been Foo Fighters’In Your Honor, The Rolling Stones’A Bigger Bangand Neil Young’sPrairie ...