100 Young Adult Books to read in a lifetime A Great and Terrible Beauty (The Gemma Doyle Trilogy)A Great and Terrible Beauty (The Gemma… Libba BrayLibba Bray 平装 US$12.99US$12.99 1,736 A Separate PeaceA Separate Peace John KnowlesJohn Knowles ...
8.My Father,The Panda Killer– August 29, 2023by Jamie Jo Hoang (Author) 9.Check & Mate– November 7, 2023by Ali Hazelwood (Author) 10.Their Vicious Games– July 25, 2023by Joelle Wellington (Author) 11.Bonesmith(House of the Dead Duology) – July 25, 2023by Nicki Pau Preto (Autho...
Congratulations to Melissa Albert on Our Crooked Hearts, our pick for the best young adult book of the year. Our Crooked Hearts: A Novel – June 28, 2022 by Melissa Albert (Author) All My Rage: A Novel – March 1, 2022 by Sabaa Tahir (Author) I Must Betray You – February 1, 202...
Which young adult adventure novel is the best of the best? That's up to you to decide. Give your favorite books a thumbs up to move them towards the number-one spot on the list, and add any exciting reads that are missing. Most divisive: Daughter of Smoke and Bone Over 8...
9. Looking for Alaska, by John Green 10. The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak 11. The Giver (series), by Lois Lowry 12. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (series), by Douglas Adams 13. The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton 14. Anne of Green Gables (series), by Lucy Maud Montgomery ...
YOUNG ADULTS BEST BOOKS HOME PAGE Albertalli, Becky.Imogen, Obviously.HarperCollins/Balzer + Bray. ISBN 9780063045873. Gr 9 Up–When Imogen spends spring break visiting her best friend Lili at college, a white lie leads Imogen to restlessly question new romantic feelings. Filled with character dyn...
Over 800 readers have voted on the 40+ books on Best Young Adult Adventure Books. Current Top 3: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Hunger ...
Best Young Adult Books: Finding the Perfect Young Adult Book for YouYoung adult books aren’t just for the young, as many of the best young adult books transcend age. The books on this list of the best young adult books all tell a great story and will instantly transport you into ...
Time与儿童文学研究学者、图书馆读者中心、读者文化基金、独立书商等合作,评选了“The 100 Best Young Adult Books of All Time”,这个榜单涉及的文学作品年龄范围跨度比较广,包含Middle Grade、Teen和Young Adult。这些为年轻人写的故事,同时也受到不同年龄层读者的喜爱。今天为大家盘点HarperCollins出版过的榜...
Tohonorthebestbooksforyoungadultsandchildren,TIMEhascreatedthislistofclassics:BestYoung-AdultandChildren'sBooks.TheAbsolutelyTrueDiaryof a Part-TimeIndianShermanAlexie'scoming-of-agenovelshowsfamilyandtraditionsthroughyoungArnoldSpirit,tornbetweenhislifeinanIndiancommunityandhislargelywhitehighschool.Thespecificsare...