In Genshin Impact, Xiangling is a strong Polearm-wielding Pyro user who has one of the fastest attacks in the game. Her Burst is a great tool for not only doing...
GanyuXianglingBennettShenhe This team is super simple and is a variation on otherGanyuMelt comps. Shenhe support's Ganyu's Charged Attacks andBennettprovides a Flat ATK buff to Ganyu andXianglingwhile also providing particles for Xiangling. She in turn appliesPyrothrough her Elemental Burst, which ...
Main DPSSubDPSSubDPSSupport KinichFurinaXianglingBennett This last team is a Burnvape team usingFurina, she has great synergy with Kinich and in Burnvape teams is able to vape her hits while still keepingPyroon the enemy due toXianglings great Pyro application. ...
Bring the Traveler along withAnemoto spread reactions with his whirlwinds and generally work as a support. Xiangling will be used as the DPS, as she can help spread Melt reactions when paired with Kaeya’s Cryo. Talents / Skills / Passive Whisper of Water - Normal Attack Normal:Perform up ...
Zhongli is one of the easiest characters to build in Genshin Impact, and here's what you need to know about his support and DPS play styles.
It is a perfect offensive and defensive tool for Zhongli, who receives the best of both worlds as a Support and sub-DPS. That’s all the best weapons for Zhongli in Genshin Impact. We highly recommend using one of these weapons on him, regardless of how you build him. We have a ...
Related:The Best Kazuha Support Build in Genshin Impact: Weapons, Artifacts, and Talents For the fourth party member slot, we recommend the use of a Shielder like Albedo or Zhongli, or that of either a Charged Attack buffer or a Pyro Sub-DPS. Our top picks for the latt...
Sub-DPS: Xiangling Support: Bennett Support: Kazuha Tazer Teams Main DPS: Tartaglia Sub-DPS: Beidou Support: Fischl Support: Bennett Bloom Teams Main DPS: Tartaglia Sub-DPS: Nahida Support: Shinobu / Kazuha Support: Traveler (Dendro) / Thoma Related: Best Freminet Cryo Build in Genshin Impact...
What is the best Ganyu F2P build? What are the Ganyu materials in Genshin Impact? Is Ganyu a DPS character? Absolutely. She’s one of the best Genshin DPS characters, alongside Xiao. Unlike Xiao, though, Ganyu has some support utility as well. Her Elemental Skill draws enemies in and ...
Support: Jean, Bennett This team comp focuses on using Jean and Bennett’s Elemental Bursts to cause a lot of Pyro Swirls around enemies. This will trigger Overcharged reactions, which deal high damage. Raiden and Xiangling are both excellent Main DPS characters who can deal a lot of dam...