Stephen King: Renowned as the "king of horror," King is famous for captivating younger generations, particularly students, with over 200 books and 50 global bestsellers. Edgar Allan Poe: A monumental figure in the horror genre, Poe is known for his works that delve into psychological, mystic...
The blog engages with the works of renowned authors such as Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, and M.R. James, providing thoughtful analyses and interpretations of their stories. It examines the thematic intricacies and narrative techniques that define the genre, offering in-depth looks at ...
Here we gathered the best horror movies of the world. They are sorted by rating. This top 50 horror list was created with All My Movies program. If you want to sort this movie list by title or check the movies you already seen, you can download All My Movies, open the collection and...
Here’s how it works. If you’re looking for the best horror movies to watch over the holiday season, don’t worry, you aren’t alone. There has long been an evocative link between Christmas-time and scary stories, be that Charles Dickens' classic ghost tale A Christmas Carol or the...
Also ranks #2 on The 15 Best Romance Anime OVAs of All Time 5 Maid Sama! 2010 61,269 votes Working in a maid café sounds fun - that is, if you're into cute outfits and taking orders. However the protagonist of Maid Sama!, Misaki Ayuzawa, works in one out of necessity, as the...
gothic horror, and it is by far the best-selling modern horror novel. Many of the authors listed have written several books so be sure to check out their other works. The great thing about horror novels is there’s so many different subgenres to choose from. $3.99 #7. The 31 Best ...
Weekly Writing Competition the archipelagothe archipelago is looking for great works of fiction.poetry.and personal essay.Eligibility:One piece per entry.One entry per person for each week (you can submit your writing for each round of competition repeating every week).The writing m...
and Rowland Bercy Jr. focus on overlooked books in the horror genre as a way to learn about how to write horror. Because they explore craft through these lesser-known works, the podcast is fantastic for both readers and writers. They talk about their own journeys in writing, what they’ve...
🔥The 100 best movies of all time 👹Cinema’s creepiest anthology horror movies 🩸The 15 scariest horror movies based on true stories 1.The Exorcist (1973) Film Horror Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Director:William Friedkin Cast:Ellen Burstyn, Linda Blair, Jason Miller, Max von Sydow...
Y'know, I'm not sure The Babysitter really works as a movie; it's more the idea of a movie loosely strung together by one-liners and style. Still, it's a fun way to kill a few hours. Samara Weaving stars as the titular childcare professional, a popular teen with a passion for ...