After escaping from a mental hospital, drifting ex-boxer Kid Collie (Jason Patric) meets an alcoholic widow, Fay (Rachel Ward), who entices him into performing maintenance work at her estate. When crooked Uncle Bud (Bruce Dern) joins the two, Fay's darker side begins to appear. Bud and...
Directed by Mario Van Peebles, the film delves into the devastation caused by the crack cocaine epidemic, offering a unique perspective on both the criminals and the law enforcement officers determined to bring them down. With its strong performances, memorable dialogue, and unflinching portrayal o...
Pin-Jui jumps on an opportunity to go to America, but years of grueling work leave him a shell of himself and unable to connect with his daughter. When a chance to revisit the past comes along, he takes it, hoping to change his life into the one he always wanted. Genre: DramaRotten...
Pin-Jui jumps on an opportunity to go to America, but years of grueling work leave him a shell of himself and unable to connect with his daughter. When a chance to revisit the past comes along, he takes it, hoping to change his life into the one he always wanted. Genre: DramaRotten...
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On their website, they advertise unlimited device support, meaning one account can be used for work, home, mobile, even your friends can set it up on their devices. I don’t think that any other VPN provides that, but I might be wrong. There’s a drawback though, the software lacks...
Critics Consensus: Thousand Pieces of Gold's technical deficiencies are handily outweighed by sterling work from a 24-karat cast -- and a story that has a fresh perspective on the American Old West. Synopsis: Set in the 1880s, this film chronicles the journey of Lalu (Rosalind Chao), a...
(Hoa Xuande), a police captain in Saigon who is secretly working as a plant in the South Vietnam army. While living with other South Vietnamese refugees after fleeing to the U.S. following the Vietnam War, he continues to work as a spy, reporting back to the Viet Cong. But as he...
With spectacular voice work, this version reimagines Pinocchio during the period before World War II, allowing del Toro to explore his themes of innocence and violence again. It’s a deeply personal, beautiful film. Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio watch on netflix Kubo & the Two Strings....
Great work, kiddo! Best free strategy games (Image credit: Free Lives) Best free PC games: Strategy Goose Goose Duck - In a game of social deduction, you and your friends have to work together to discover the wolf among the sheep. Or, in this case, the other birds that have ...