I’ve loved word games for just about as long as I’ve been able to string words together, so a lot of what I pull from when I strategize in Wordle is the undisputed classic among them: Scrabble. Scrabble assigns point values to letters based on how commonly they appear in the English...
you can likely see more clearly what words the Wordle can and can’t be. For example, if you guess “AUDIO” first and get no yellow or green letters, you would know the correct word very likely has an “e” in it, significantly shortening ...
calculating the number of “in the word, right spot” and “in the word, wrong spot” results, this would tell us which of the words, on average, produces the most successful result.
Not so fast! Just enter those letters and click Unscramble It! and you will be amazed at the words you can use. You will never be stuck again in Scrabble or Words with Friends. Even find words for WordleWordle Advanced Options First select the correct Dictionary. TWL is for USA,Canada,...
Starting with vowel-heavy words will give you an edge with Wordle's puzzle-solving every time. But it's also not that simple, since not every letter is created equally. Yes, vowels appear in basically every word, but some are more or less common. The same goes for consonants....
Related:What is Today’s Wordle Word? For the list of words below, we recommend starting with something that has five different letters and working from there. You will also want to include letters that are often used in words like R, S, T, P, or any vowels to get them out of the...
If you always use the same word when you play for Wordle, why not check out the strategies used by most people to pick the best starting word, and see if yours fits? In this article, we’ll explore which words are best to start Wordle with, which ones to avoid, and how you can ...
Wordle 215 2/6 — Roger Finch (He/Him) (@RogerFinch1)January 20, 2022 6 RATIO Good one in a roundup fromPolygon. 7 ARISE Three vowels and two common consonants. I approve! Arise? Adieu? Irate? Wordle, a new word game, has people debating the best five-letter wordshttps://t.co/...
sexting potential. Users can now date over video and even live stream to a group. This lets users get more personal by seeing and even hearing each other in real time (which, let's face it, can be a lot hotter than words on a screen) without having to fork over their phone number....
Has Wordle been getting tougher, or am I just getting worse at it? One solid strategy is to have strong, reliable starter words. "ADIEU" has been popular since the beginning and that makes sense, since it includes four vowels. But not everyone wants to know the vowels right away. ...