此外,从奥特代克最佳西方酒店步行几分钟即可到达Leonardo Express和Roma Termini火车站,方便您前往其他城市和机场。如果您想要体验罗马的独特魅力,Termini Laziali和共和国-歌剧院地铁站也是不错的选择,它们距离酒店也非常近。无论您是商务旅行还是观光旅游,奥特代克最佳西方酒店周边的公共交通站点将为您的出行提供便利和...
如果您需要前往机场,您可以搭乘Leonardo Express列车或前往Roma Termini火车站,非常方便。此外,Termini Laziali火车站也在附近,方便您前往其他城市。无论您是来罗马旅游还是商务出行,这些便利的公共交通站点将为您的行程增添便利和灵活性。周边餐厅皇家圣缇纳贝斯特韦斯特高级酒店周围有许多美食选择。您可以前往Mercato ...
Roma Termini Railway Station 医疗机构 330 m Farmacia Indipendenza 逛街购物 1.82 km 科尔索大街 便利店 310 m Coop 取款服务 0 m 酒店政策 自2011年1月1日起,罗马市议会开始向每人征收每晚不超过EUR 3的酒店住宿税,最多不超过10天。自2014年9月1日起,此税费已调升至每人每晚EUR 7(按住宿类型及酒店星级而...
Roadhouse Restaurant Roma Termini196 米 Yellow Bar315 米 老成都川菜(TERMINI中央火车站店)261 米 Ristorante Pizzeria Piccolo Spazio313 米 Cucina Romana Da Dino159 米 Saravanaa Bhavan Roma313 米 La Fraschetta di Barbablù289 米 Ristorante Nerone451 米 ...
Roadhouse Restaurant Roma Termini196 米 Yellow Bar315 米 老成都川菜(TERMINI中央火车站店)261 米 Ristorante Pizzeria Piccolo Spazio313 米 Cucina Romana Da Dino159 米 Saravanaa Bhavan Roma313 米 La Fraschetta di Barbablù289 米 Ristorante Nerone451 米 ...
Grazie alla vicinanza della metropolitana si può raggiungere la Stazione Termini e altreattrattive turistichedi Roma in soli 10 minuti, mentre laFiera di Romae l'Aereoporto di Fiumicino distano soltanto 30 minuti. Best Western Hotel Cinemusicdispone inoltre di numerosi servizi tra cui salacolazione...
The Best Western Plus Hotel Universois located in the centre of Rome a few steps from theRoma Termini Stationand the Opera House, has197 roomswith air conditioning, fire safety system, 42" satellite TV, minibar andfree Wi-Fi internet connection. ...
贝斯特韦斯特格洛巴斯酒店 (Best Western Hotel Globus) 3等级(最高为5等级) Viale Ippocrate, 119, 家庭诊所, 罗马, 意大利, 00161 - 查看地图 欢迎光临 Best Western Hotel Globus。酒店位于罗马充满活力的 Policlinico 街区,可轻松前往托洛尼亚别墅 (Villa Torlonia) 和罗马国家博物馆 (Museo Nazionale Romano)。您...
Same goes to Roma Termini too, you'll need to walk around 15 minutes from there to the hotel. As for Vatican City, you'll definitely need to take a taxi or order a Uber car to reach there as it was a bit far from the hotel (car ride journey around 15 mins). Also, you need ...
Same goes to Roma Termini too, you'll need to walk around 15 minutes from there to the hotel. As for Vatican City, you'll definitely need to take a taxi or order a Uber car to reach there as it was a bit far from the hotel (car ride journey around 15 mins). Also, you need ...