Mitsuha Miyamizu, a small-town high school girl, and Taki Tachibana, a city boy from Tokyo, find themselves inexplicably swapping bodies a few times a week, causing both confusion and adjustment in their daily lives. As they try to navigate this bizarre phenomenon and learn more about each ...
In 2024 and 2025, Golden Week is between 29 April and 5 May. That said, many find that Tokyo can be quieter over Golden Week when Tokyo residents escape the city. Want to experience Japan during the cherry blossom season? Read about our cruise holiday in 2025 and book a space on this...
The most popular Japanese summer festivals are Aomori Nebuta Matsuri, Sendai Tanabata Matsuri, Gion Matsuri in Kyoto, Akita Kanto Matsuri, Awa Dori Festival in Tokushima during the O-bon week, Sumida River Fireworks, Tenjin Matsuri in Osaka, Gujo Odori in Gifu and so on. If you are planning ...
Kyoto, and Osaka, the week before full bloom (around March 16th to 23rd) is your best time. While the cherry blossoms have not yet fully opened on some trees, the scenery during this time is almost as stunning as it is when the blossoms are in full bloom. ...
Length:Depends per course, but usually 3 to 5 hours of study time per week Price:Free for auditing, with optional payment for getting a certificate Started by Harvard and MIT, edX offers high-quality courses on a wide variety of topics—including Japanese—fromuniversities all over the world....
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Discover 51 fun things to do in Kyoto, Japan. 2024 is a great time to go sightseeing and visit the many attractions in Kyoto. - Klook Singapore
Over the course of my evaluation, I checked Gogoanime, a platform for watching animated movies. It lets you watch anime for free online and browse or search by day, week, or month. I found its simple interface and collection of anime titles very appealing. It is also free to use with ...
10 days 1 week 3 days By region South Central Honshu By experience In-depth cultural Explorer Hiking The best time to visit Japan: A seasonal guide to prices When to travel to Japan depends on what you want to do and your budget, as both vary with each season. Generally, spring and au...
It's an exhausting watch, but you'll be glad to go along for the ride. (UK only) Advertisement - Continue Reading Below The Strays (2023) Netflix Not to be confused with thetalking dog comedy,The Straysis one of the best Netflix original movies of 2023, delivering one of the year'...