The best class and race combo for soloing in Classic WoW are the Dwarf Hunter for Alliance players or the Troll Hunter if you’re playing on the Horde's side. Apart from holding the world record for solo leveling, Hunters’ ability to make tons of gold while soloing is only second to t...
This is the gear we recommend as the best possible items available in the third phase of Season of Discovery for your Melee Hunter. This list assumes a stat priority of: Hit > Agility > Crit > Attack Power > Stamina This list excludes any items that are bound to you as soon as th...
compact, dependable, and deadly accurate. It’s a semi-automatic squirrel thumper that allows you to quickly work on squirrels in the treetops. It’s a great first gun for the new squirrel hunter, but it also might be the last squirrel gun you ever...
Stormstrikedoes not start your auto attacks in WoW Classic, and as such, you should aim to use a macro such as the one above to easily engage enemies. If you want to use it with other skills, just copy the code and replace Stormstrike with the skill you wish to attack with. 2.2. ...
There are different types of unique weapons that you can use in Monster Hunter World. In total, there are 14 different types of weapons all ranging from Hammers, Bows, and Swords to Bowguns. Each weapon has unique skills, combos, and bonuses, which we have detailed below for you. Below ...
If you’re really looking for the best big bore air rifle for hunting, then you’ll want to look closely at this Best Big Bore Air Rifle on Airgun Depot. TheBenjamin Bulldog BullpupAir rifle is a fine hunting weapon. We looked at the option with a Realtree Xtra Camo Stock, which eve...
The fast action can be great for hunting the waterfowls or any other animals if you are a hunter. Many hunters have posted videos on YouTube to show how they easily knocked down the birds from the sky. You can be sure to get a performance shotgun just as you would have wanted. ...
Night Elves are the only available race for Alliance Druids. Their only PvE-relevant racial is Shadowmeld, which isn’t all that great if we’re being honest. Night Elf About the Author bobodingo Sup yall! My name is Bobodingo and I've been playing wow since its release. I'm an av...
Best Race for Hunters in WoW Classic Night Elf Blizzard Entertainment / Sarah Arnold Unfortunately for the Alliance, there is no especially great race for hunter. While the Dwarves have Gun Specialization, it’s rather lackluster as guns never really were BiS as a weapon back in the day. Th...
WoW Weekly: The Undermine(d) Content Update, and More!Warcraft Tavern › WotLK Classic › WotLK Classic Guides › Class Guides › Mage Guides › PvE Fire Mage Best Races Lok-tar ogar! Someone once said that you can’t go home again. But they lacked vision. And a temporal discom...