With colors from longtime collaborator, Mike Spicer, this comic follows protagonist Jake as he meets the titular homicide bird and learns how to cope with depression with the help of friends and death metal. Johnson has spoken before about his Japanese influences and that comes into full view ...
Analysis: New study shows a combination of Prozac and talk therapy best helps teens cope with depressionMICHELE NORRIS, ROBERT SIEGEL
Porous: These are poor and weak boundaries that often lead to feelings of depression and anxiety, as well as overextension of oneself. They can result in unhealthy relationships characterized by oversharing, codependency, enmeshment, and people-pleasing. Additionally, they may involve a lack of emo...
Different bodies work in different ways, and you may also prefer some forms of exercise over others. That said, studies suggest that some of the following forms of exercise may be more effective when it comes to helping decrease symptoms: Aerobic exercise refers to physical activity that increase...
And Deeper Ways 'Back to the Future II' Predicted The Future Also ranks #1 on The Best Movies Of The 1980s, Ranked 10 Big Daddy Adam Sandler, Joey Lauren Adams, Jon Stewart 170 votes This comedic gem features Adam Sandler as Sonny, a man-child who unexpectedly finds himself caring for...
10 Questions to Ask Your EAP Provider | AllOne Health® EAP Program Guide: Everything You Need To Know | AllOne Health® 5 Ways to Increase EAP Utilization: How to Make Sure Your Employees Know About and Use Your Program | AllOne Health® ...
Because it keeps you hydrated, tea keeps your digestion system working properly, and helps your body rid itself of waste. It also allows you to burn more calories during the day due to its caffeine content. Drinking tea benefits your mental health in several ways, as well.It reduces the ri...
Stress. It makes your blood race and your heart pound. If you want new ways to cope with everyday stress, these TED talks on stress can help you.
For our continuation of Sleep Awareness Week coverage, we decided to outline the many ways that sleep can make us look and feel more beautiful. Keep reading for more and check out the rest of our Sleep Awareness Week content! Image: Rodrigo Pereira via Unsplash The Benefits of Beauty Sleep...
The best mental health apps are affordable, user-friendly, and well-designed, with few technical glitches. Many of these apps have unique features that allow you to improve your overall wellness in enjoyable, accessible ways. High-quality therapy apps remove some of the usual barriers to mental...