η0 Γ(1 + β) (5.15) In this way, the order of the VO fractional derivative can be regarded as a function of time σ(t) = ηα(t) C tk−1 Dtα(t) ε(t), 0 ≤α(t) ≤ 1, tk−1 ≤ t ≤ tk. (5.16) A REVIEW ON VARIABLE-ORDER FRACTIONAL . . . 47 According to...
It’s perfect for me as I’ve used lots of cleaning products and it’s especially perfect for when giving it to someone who recently got a pair of shoes done and wasn’t sure what to use Luther R. 07/26/2024 I love it ! Thank you 🫶🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 ...
the ir env iro nme nta l p e rf o rmance to s to ck ho lde r re gu la rly , ho we ve r ge ne ra lly ,q u a lita tive a na lys is . P ro a cUv e Thes e co mp a nie s a lway s ta ke e nv iro nme nt a s c o mpa ny ’ ...
*@|T<4P<oCdGwsL?Ufp&L<r%eyd6I|&>sse)f&tR3YZ!vM4dByh<Y2L6qjs$ z*6`bkA(W~eoT@xygybsmTl>!)rWI;tB&b#CHjMG?Mv3mK{sd!HFXOmQk`rvqD>i+9 zM`ZH&#Tn4Om<=wVY^msj8~!|waY?xV1+r3aILG5h|85DNue}v|p;Rf;e`C&PJi+|W zgO}EBU&GG^z31<}Vzw5eV9Ss@`ZpSvp1gC-jO...
Use the hottest water possible, as long as it is safe to use with the type of fabric you are dyeing. Set the washing machine to fill with enough water for a small load.[2] If you fill the machine all the way, you will dilute the dye too much and end up with a faded garment....