and plan the treatment in such as way that the disease is addressed at the root level, treating the related cause. By treating the disease such as psoriasis or urticaria or lichen planus or vitiligo, we treat the disease at a deeper level so that the disease does not recur for a long ...
2. Prebiotics can help treat chronic digestive conditions. Chronic disorders of the gut like ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, as well as any kind of digestive inflammation or infection, aren’t just annoying, they can have a profound impact on the way you live your life, as well as...
One of the best things about CBD oil is the lack of side effects for using it. CBD Oil is not addictive to use, unlike many different pain medications, and people are turning to it as a way of avoiding addictions to various opioids and other narcotics that are commonly prescribed for pai...
for certain people. Overnights impact your sleep cycle, and those extra days off may be spent sleeping to switch from days to nights and vice versa. Everyone’s body is different, and the way having an alternate sleep schedule may impact your health and happiness varies from person to ...
15/ Never overlook a way to learn, because some fool, some institution, some “professor” tells you that you can’t do that or tries to imply you are a fool to study evidence away from their dogma. As soon as someone tells you that they are the only source of “truth”, you know...
Lasers and light-emitting devices are used to treat a wide range of skin conditions including sun spots, melasma, broken capillaries, unwanted hair, enlarged pores, loss of skin elasticity, precancerous lesions, and wrinkles. Dr. Kiripolsky completed a fellowship in lasers and is an expert at...
What Chemicals Are Used to Treat Acne There are many chemicals used to treat acne that are found in Over-the-Counter (OTC) and prescription-strength products. Please note that we are not really focusing on how these chemicals impact your health, but more on how they impact this skin conditi...
Everyone – young, old, and in between – have to deal with acne at one time or another. Of course, teens are at the top of the list, but hormonal changes can bring on breakouts with a vengeance at any age. Unfortunately, manytreatments for acneleave your skin dry and flaky. That’...
Beauty isn’t about having a pretty face. It’s about having a pretty mind, a heart, and a soul. Life is not perfect, but your nails can be. Your nails are a way to show your style without saying a word. Dressing up your nails is an art beyond belief and boundaries. ...
Ayurvedic Treatment in Delhi - Ayurvedic Treatment is the most effective and safe way of treating diseases that cause great concerns to the patient. Allopathy systems of medicine is more popular in modern times but it shows helplessness to treat some of the chronic diseases for which it has no...