A couple looking to spice up their marriage enters into a dangerous liaison with another pair they meet through a swingers' ad. As their lives intertwine, the lines between fantasy and reality blur, leading to a suspenseful and erotic game of cat-and-mouse. The film explores themes of desir...
Best friends become sworn enemies when their weddings end up scheduled for the same day. As they each attempt to sabotage the other's big day, they learn important lessons about friendship and what truly matters in a marriage – all while providing plenty of laughs along the way. ...
"But passion is often fueled by excitement and novelty. Changing things up can help spice up the romance." Exploration between the sheets can also amp up emotional intimacy and encourage partners to take risks and grow together, adds Shawntres Parks, PhD, LMFT, a licensed marriage and family...
Can I coax you to wade in with me? To let the cool water surround us? Then I’ll dive way down deep, just for you, and come up dripping, letting you feast your eyes on the little pink fish I’ve found. Then I’ll say, standing there in the shallows:Look...
for polyamorous dating can turn out to be quite a challenge. A lot of people don’t feel comfortable with being with someone who’s having a couple of open relationships. Whether you’re a single or in a relationship, polyamory can be an excellent way to add some spice to your love ...
her theft of an explosive gem in Piltover rips the conflict between the two communities wide open. "Arcane" is not just a stunning, exciting series. Vi, Jinx, and the rest of the large cast are all extremely well fleshed-out, reacting accordingly to the way that class and various hardship...
Critics Consensus: Made from classic noir ingredients and flavored with a heaping helping of steamy modern spice, Body Heat more than lives up to its evocative title. Synopsis: Shyster lawyer Ned Racine (William Hurt) begins a passionate affair with Matty Walker (Kathleen Turner), wife of a...
Jess O’Reilly, PhD, is a Toronto-based sexologist and relationship expert as well as the co-author ofThe Ultimate Guide to Seduction and Foreplay. Jenni Skyler, PhD, LMFT, CST, is an AASECT-certified sex therapist, board certified sexologist, and a licensed marriage and family therapist base...
A new way to spice up the relationship Cons Some cards might contain questions or activities that are too private Customers report that the cards are not that varied Might not be suitable for some types of partners, depending on the question/activity ...
Bruce Willis has a great turn as David Dunn, a man emotionally adrift from his family and facing a potential divorce. When David survives what should have been a fatal train accident unharmed, his wife, Audrey (Robin Wright), sees it as a sign to give their marriage another chance. Yet,...