MultiMCFor the best level of control over your Minecraft mods and instances, MultiMC is the way to go. You can keep different groups of mods separate from one another, for instance, if you have a few different configurations you enjoy playing. It's also an umbrella launcher that gives you...
Playing parkour is one of the best things to do in Minecraft, but finding the best Minecraft servers isn’t always easy. Whether you are kicking back and chilling, or sweating out some parkour speed runs, free-running in Minecraft is a great way to pass the time. Unless you want to ...
As the name reveals, this Minecraft adventure map combines the plot of the Legend of Zelda game series with the infamous myth of Herobrine. You spawn in an interactive open world that is similar to the world of Zelda and have to make your way around it while finishing a variety of quests...
While you might want to keep yourself busy with each of Kenadian’s public maps, we’d certainly start off with The Parkour Spiral, one of the most popular Minecraft parkour maps of all time. Don’t get dizzy as you work way around this seamless, challenging parkour challenge, featuring n...
The main aim for any Minecraft survival or puzzle map is to avoid dying. Whether it is from fall damage, mobs, or anything else, survival is the way to win each map’s quest. But not on this unique map. The only way to move forward in this map is by finding a way to die. Thou...
Hosting the mentioned competition, the server encourages its players to be super creative. Working your way up the Pirate ranks enables you to access more cool cannons, ships, etc., and is afun wayto remain engaged with the game. Pirate crews with other players enable you to make friends ...
Who are we to stand in her way? Regrowth is set in a post-apocalyptic world that has been reclaimed by nature. Find a place to settle and begin your journey through the ages, unlocking the secrets of this world one age at a time. Collect resources and build, create tools for farming ...
The best way to do so is to form social connections. In EVE, having the backing of a corporation is huge. Accomplishing anything on a meaningful scale requires the cooperation of others, but in a game as lawless as EVE, anything goes. Betrayal, back room deals, and systematic bullying by...
Traversing the wide expanses of Minecraft can take quite a while, so why not add in a super effective and very fun way to speed that process up with some very cute companions? How Animal Bikes Makes the Game Fun: Animal Bikes are craftable items that can spawn a wide variety of rideabl...
Set up a Mumble server – a how to for mumble server hosting Whether it’s a multiplayer game or a podcast project, the Mumble voice chat software is becoming increasingly popular. The open-source solution has an appealingly simple structure without scrimping on functions. Another advantage is ...