If growing potted vegetables indoors sounds like a little more work than you're looking to do, there's an even easier way to grow some types of vegetables in your own home: Try regrowing them from scraps. Green onions, lettuce, and celery are all great candidates for regrowing from scr...
Steinkopf says: “If your windows are already full of plants, grow lights give you more room to grow. You can use them in your basement, an unused room, or even a closet.” She recommends them as a great way to germinate seeds and grow vegetables indoors, especially during cloudier ...
If you lack outdoor space and want to grow edibles in your home, try these Indoor Vegetable Garden Ideas and harvest homegrown food year-round! These indoor vegetable gardens are the best way to grow greens in a limited space. If you live in an apartment, they will surely come in handy...
LEDs don’t contain harmful mercury so they don’t need to be disposed of in a particular way. This, in addition to their energy efficiency, makes LED grow lights the best choice for the environment.Considerations for Choosing LED Growing LightsOrganic...
LED full spectrum grow lights are the best grow lights for cannabis. (I’ll discuss why LEDs are the best lights for growing cannabis in full detail in their own section below.) LEDs don’t contain harmful mercury so they don’t need to be disposed of in a particular way. This, in ...
LED full spectrum grow lights are the best grow lights for cannabis. (I’ll discuss why LEDs are the best lights for growing cannabis in full detail in their own section below.) LEDs don’t contain harmful mercury so they don’t need to be disposed of in a particular way. This, in ...
Even without any outdoor space, you can still successfully cultivate a home garden. Many plants do OK inside, provided they have access to the right amount of light. These plants can thrive indoors: All manner of lettuce and leafy greens ...
There isn’t any “better” season to grow basil indoors.You can really grow it all year long, even in winter. Usually it is added to summer meals.It is mostly grown from April to September-October, both indoors and outdoors.Choose a sunny, well-lit space like a windowsill for ...
Gardening at home is not limited to people with large yards — or even to people with sunny windowsills. With the right tools, anyone who wants to grow their own microgreens or fresh herbs indoors can find a way to do it. Indoor gardening kits range from high tech (hello, AeroGarden) to...
Lettuce is considered a cool weather crop and can be planted early in the spring. It will survive the first frosts of fall and winter. It also requires less time in direct sunlight than many other vegetables. Four to five hours a day is sufficient. Most lettuce varieties mature from seed ...