Personal loans are a form of installment credit that can be a more affordable way to finance the big expenses in your life. You can use a personal loan to fund many expenses, from debt consolidation to home renovations, weddings, travel and medical expenses. Before taking out a loan, make...
An installment loan can help you buy a home, finance a car, repay debt and more. Here are our picks for the best installment loans.
Advertising Disclosure: When you use our links to explore products, we may earn a fee but that in no way affects our editorial independence. VA loans are no-down-payment mortgages that come with lower credit score requirements, but they're only available to veterans and active-duty service me...
You might also be able to write a convenience check to access funds. Though it’s a fast way to get money in your hands, it’s costly. You will likely encounter a combination of cash advance fees, ATM or bank fees and a higher interest rate than what you pay to make purchases. ...
The moneyspent home remodelingis a natural extension of owning a nicer home. Plenty of people appreciate nice kitchens, remodeled bathrooms, a balcony edition, and heated-seat bidets. You want to remodel the rooms where you spend the most amount of time. ...
But technology can also be used for good, and that’s especially true when it comes to our finances. With money-saving apps, for example, you can set up your finances in a way that helps you save small sums of money that are set aside and even invested on your behalf. ...
The best way to get rich is to turn your funny money into a real asset that continues to provide value. Not only does the real asset provide utility, a real asset can also generate valuable income. The value of income has gone way up becomes interest rates have come way down during the...
and personal finance expert for the motley fool since 2012. prior to the motley fool, matt was a mathematics professor and high school math teacher. he holds a b.s. in physics from university of south carolina; a m.s. in mathematics from nova southeastern university; and a gradu...
or endorsed by included advertisers. Motley Fool Money does not cover all offers on the market. Motley Fool Money is 100% owned and operated by The Motley Fool. Our knowledgeable team of personal finance editors and analysts are employed by The Mot...
Credit card: If you have sufficient credit available, you may be able to finance a home improvement with a credit card. This may not be your best choice, as credit card interest rates are often higher than other options. Not paying off your credit card balances each month could quickly inc...