Butternut squash is a delicious addition to a healthy, hearty dinner so why not try one of our butternut squash recipes below.
Slow cooker butternut squash is an amazingly simple way to prepare butternut squash without having to do hardly anything...
The easiest way to store butternut squash soup is to move it to an airtight container and refrigerate it for up to 4 days. To reheat the butternut squash soup, you can use the microwave or your pot. If you prefer a thicker soup, you can reheat it just like that, or add a couple o...
Add to that shallots, tomatoes, cucumber, and a zing from pepperoncini. 2 Kale Salad Next up in our best easy salad recipes: are you ready for the best way to eat kale? With this flavor popping Italian-style dressing of lemon, Parmesan cheese, and garlic, the bitter flavor of kale...
Once you are able to handle, scoop out the flesh of the butternut squash and discard the skin. My favorite way to roast butternut squash: I love cubing my butternut squash and then roasting it with delicious spices. After that I’ll add it to curries, salads, soups, stews, stir fry, ...
Cooked chunks of butternut squash can also be frozen in food storage bags. The squash can be roasted, boiled, microwaved, or cooked in any desired way before freezing. After cooking, it is very important to let the squash cool completely before wrapping the chunks and trying to freeze them...
Butternut squash soup is a delicious way to warm up on chilly night. From a dinner party starter to a hearty lunch, our recipes have got it covered. By The Good Housekeeping Cookery TeamUpdated: 03 October 2023We love butternut squash here at Good Housekeeping and we can't resist a velvet...
It’s no lie that butternut squash can be cumbersome to break down. Since this is such a sturdy vegetable, we recommend prepping it on the weekends so that it’s ready to go for any preparation your heart (er, stomach) desires all week long. Just store it in a sealed container in ...
How to Prep Butternut Squash for Cooking To prep it for cooking, slice off about 1 inch from each end of the squash, stand upright, and peel with a sharp vegetable peeler. Cut the squash in half to separate the neck from the bulb end, then halve the bulb end lengthwise, and scoop ou...
This is the absolute BEST Butternut Squash Soup! It’s easy to make, creamy, and delicious, without actually being loaded up with heavy cream. The way the soup is made allows the incredible natural flavor of the roasted butternut squash to really shine through. It’s easy to make soup ...