The article offers information on the Iowa state's annual Best Warrior Competition organized from March 18 to March 20, 2016 at the Camp Dodge Joint Maneuver Training Center in Johnston, Iowa which comprised of army physical fitness test, weapons qualification and drill and ceremony.Nelson...
Overseen by Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael Grinston, the 2020 competition will be like no other in Best Warrior’s 19-year history. As someone who’s seen what happens when the truth is distorted, I know how unfair it feels when those who’ve sacrificed the most lose their voice. At...
However, Zed (Sean Connery), a Brutal warrior, challenges that assumption when he enters the Zardoz monument and is captured by an Eternal (Charlotte Rampling). There, he learns the truth about the Eternals and the false god that rules society. Released: 1974 Directed by: John Boorman...
A Warrior's Heart is a compelling sports romance that follows lacrosse star Conor Sullivan (Kellan Lutz) as he copes with the tragic death of his father and the weight of his family's financial struggles. As Conor finds solace in the teachings of his father's war buddy Duke Wayne (Adam...
Veteran fans might have worried that the series’ 2013 free-to-play multiplayer iteration MechWarrior Online (MWO) wouldn’t stand the test of time as well – but they needn’t have been. In fact, it’s significantly improved in the decade since release. Set in the BattleTech universe, ...
The opening scene, in which Patton gives an inspiring speech to the Third Army, is one of the most iconic images in film history; the general declares, “That’s why Americans have never lost, and will never lose a war… because the very thought of losing is hateful to Americans.” ‘...
level 70, Illidan was a force to be reckoned with. By the time you and 24 eager guildies had trekked to the heart of Shadowmoon Valley and stood (attuned) at the gates of the Black Temple, ready to face him, it was all the average warrior could do not to soil his chainmail pants....
Those of you looking for a new real-time tactics game might find some interest in Shadow Tactics. This is a game that plays out during the Edo period in which Japan has finally been unified thanks to a shogun warrior. However, now a new warlord has appeared which could threaten the count...
Dragon's Dogma 2is something of an oddity, serving as both a sequel to the beloved 2012 fantasy RPG, and a sort of remake. It places players into the shoes of the Arisen, a powerful warrior motivated by prophecy, one that must slay the great dragon, or die trying. As you adventure ...
Here at Vertical Life we love climbing, be it beanied bouldering, clip-up sportclimbing, old-school daddy-tradding, big-wall suffering, alpine extremism, spandex-clad competition climbing, desperate-times-call-for-desperate-measures buildering, the lot if it involves monkey business we will cover...