This is the machine gun Sorcerer/Warlock multiclass. Basically, all you need to do is pick up two levels ofWarlock. This will give you the Eldritch Blast cantrip which is the best cantrip in the game and the Hex spell, which boosts all attack roll spells like EB. Also, at Level 2, ...
9. Destruction Warlock (B Tier) Performance: Slightly behind Affliction in static fights, lags in AoE Utility: Shadow and Flame buff (not unique to spec) Verdict: Playable Destruction Warlocks are less common, and according to sources like Icy Veins, they lag slightly behind Affliction...
Destruction Warlock is an amazing spec in terms of rated Battlegrounds, it just going to be a really hard carry. You can bring succubus for crowd control to cap bases, you're going to bring Powerhouse just single Target damage as well as good AOE and cleave damage. ...