but sometimes, teamwork quotes from history seem to say more than an entire book ever could. And since every team can use a little extra motivation once in a while, we set out to find the best teamwork quotes for you to share with your employees to get your team working at their best....
but sometimes, teamwork quotes from history seem to say more than an entire book ever could. And since every team can use a little extra motivation once in a while, we set out to find the best teamwork quotes for you to share with your employees to get your team working at their best....
Subjects: War, Human nature See what is ranked #1 The Very Best Quotes From 'Yesterday' Vote 45 The sinews of war, a limitless supply of money. Cicero 11 votes Subjects: War 46 War is the father of all things. But who is the mother? Gerhard Kocher 8 votes Subjects: War 47 To del...
82 Inspirational Quotes From Star Wars "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..."— Various "Star Wars" movies. This iconic opening crawl sets the stage for each Star Wars movie, and has become one of the most recognizable phrases in movie history. ...
The 44 Most Famous & Thought-Provoking Philosophy Quotes From History’s Greatest Philosophers The 44 Best & Most Important Quotes From Marcus Aurelius The 365 Most Famous Quotes of All Time (in 27 Categories, Backed by Data & With Real Sources) The 30 Smartest, Funniest, and Most Inspir...
From:Gone With the Wind(1940) Why It’s #9:Adjusted for inflation,Gone With the Windremains the biggest hit in the history of cinema. There are many elements of the film that have become dated, but Clark Gable’s famous Civil War-era mic drop has not. According to legend, producer Da...
War followed. By the time of the American Revolution, the treasure had been hidden again. By then, the Masons came to include George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Paul Revere. They knew they had to make sure the treasure would never fall into the hands of the British, so they devised a...
The best quotes about marriage are those which highlight the realities behind this complex, challenging, and beautiful bond with a little humor, a dose of insight, and a whole lot of truth. They delve into the intricacies of the relationship, they provide us with comfort that most marriages ...
From the Grand Canyon to San Francisco Bay, all across the United States, America's historical sites and lands attract millions of recreational tourists, vacation travelers, and history buffs year after year. They range from Civil War sites like Gettysburg to the natural wonders of our land at...
I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. John Adams People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. Theodore Roosevelt My condition is not unhappiness, but it is also not happiness, not indifference, not weakne...