This dark comedy series from Kit Williamson got its start on YouTube, but was later shown through Logo TV and Vimeo before finding a home at Netflix. Set in Silver Lake, Los Angeles,EastSidersfollows Thom (Van Hansis) and Cal (Williamson) as they navigate their lives, community, substanc...
2. The Piano Teacher (2001) InMichael Haneke‘s harrowing character study,Isabelle Huppertplays a middle aged piano teacher with masochistic fantasies. Erika Kohit is a woman who keeps to herself and presents an intimidating demeanor to the people around her. Her mother is a domineering woman an...
This groundbreaking series unfolds in real-time, chronicling a single, intense day in the life of counter-terrorism agent Jack Bauer as he races against the clock to prevent catastrophic attacks on American soil. Each heart-pounding season presents a new terrorist threat, as Bauer navigates a tre...
The title comes from a subgenre of romantic reggae, and a series of parties that flowered across London in the mid-’70s; working with an ensemble cast and eschewing narrative almost entirely, McQueen simply presents a snapshot of one night, one gathering, and one group of people having the...
(Idris Elba), the last Gunslinger, is locked in an eternal battle with Walter O'Dim (Matthew McConaughey), also known as the Man in Black. Set in a post-apocalyptic world and inspired by Stephen King's series of novels, this action-packed fantasy film presents a titanic stru...
Bros (2022) 89% #83 Critics Consensus: Bros marks a step forward in rom-com representation -- and just as importantly, it's a whole bunch of fun to watch. Synopsis: Universal Pictures proudly presents the first romantic comedy from a major studio about two gay men maybe, possibly, ...
Breaking Bad's Walter White (Bryan Cranston) and Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) return for El Camino, a film based on AMC's beloved show, with far more attention paid to Pinkman's character. Freewheeling through time and flashing back to events depicted in the series, El Camino picks up ...
While holding tight to emotional veracity and eschewing any sense of judgement towards its characters, the film presents both a meaty tale about fidelity and adulthood and a nearly pornographic exploration of pure animal lust. Lane and Martinez dive deep into the physical demands of their ...
Lisa Ann Walter, Janelle James, and Sheryl Lee Ralph on the ABC sitcom 'Abbott Elementary.'. ABC/Prashant Gupta Class is in session: Quinta Brunson's delightful half-hour ABC mockumentary series Abbott Elementary follows a ragtag group of dedicated teachers (and one chaotic but lovable principa...
of moving from the big city to the country, she also feels strong (and potentially romantic) connections to three of the Walter family’s sons: Cole (Noah LaLonde), Alex (Ashby Gentry), and Danny Walter (Connor Stanhope). But can even the Walter brothers fill the hole in Jackie’s ...