This feature-film spinoff from the Jack Ryan franchise tells the origin story of John Clark (Michael B. Jordan), a fan-favorite character in Tom Clancy's books. Before he's John Clark, he's John Kelly in the movie, which starts with the Navy SEAL successfully leading a top-secret op...
When Wally Lamb packed the Tattered Cover book store in Highlands Ranch, CO in late 2008, many of the people in attendance were fans of Lamb’s first two novels, She’s Come Undone and I Know This Much Is True, both Oprah’s Book Club selections. The fact that his new novel,...
Gina Barreca has appeared, often as a repeat guest, on20/20,The Today Show,CNN, theBBC,NPRand, yes, onOprahto discuss gender, power, politics, and humor. Her earlier books include the bestsellingThey Used to Call Me Snow White But I Drifted: Women’s Strategic Use of Humor,It’s N...
Like Recettear, Strange Horticulture is a game about running a shop that's actually about something quite different. You don't have to worry about balancing the books in Strange Horticulture. You sell plants with unusual properties, and you can't order those wholesale. Instead, you have to so...
If I had to choose a couple (because one just wouldn't be enough) I would have to say Wally Lamb, J.R. Ward, Kresely Cole, and Lora Leigh. Those of course are only the topping to the many great authors that are out there.Q: Do you write full-time?A: I wish, but alas, no...
1. Ted & Wally's 8.9 1120 Jackson St (btw 11th and 12th), 奥马哈, NE Ice Cream Parlor· Old Market · 89 tips and reviews Alysha Lynn: My favorite ice cream they make is "quit your job and eat chocolate" but every time I go they have amazing options! Jessica Truong: Best ice ...
What is the matter with plain old-fashioned cause-and-effect? Leaving one alone with romantic impressions of the trees, the sky? Who, actually, is going to be fooled one instant by these phony explanations, Think them important? So back we go to the old, imprecise feelings, the ...
This week I plan to riff on things I’m reading and see where that takes me. I usually read a mix of favorites and new work, often going back to things that have affected me powerfully in the past. I like the way books come to litter a place, diving into obscurity for extended pe...
Kris Davis/Matt Mitchell/Aruán Ortiz/Matthew Shipp: New American Songbooks: Volume 2 (Sound American) ** [B+(**)] Dennis Llewellyn Day: Bossa, Blues and Ballads (DDay Media Group) [B+(*)] Benje Daneman Serendipity: Light in the Darkness (ACI) [C+] Maria Da Rocha: Beetroot & ...
Step into the new season with the utmost style. Ahead, find 25 pairs of fall boots for women that are so good, we can’t believe they’re still in stock.