11 of 11 | This video game image released by Sony Interactive Entertainment shows a scene from “Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.” (Sony Interactive Entertainment via AP) By LOU KESTEN Updated 12:04 AM GMT+8, December 9, 2023 Share It’s been a terrific year for video games. Developers hit...
for different devices, of different types, on different online stores, as well as the various best video game lists like stories, soundtracks, characters, franchises, quotes, podcasts, graphics, worlds, and so on.
In an unprecedented year for game releases, I understand why you’re surprised to see Lil Gator Game this high up on our list. But imagine how surprised I was to find myself, in a moment of introspection, realizing that it was one of my own favorite games in 2023. At the risk of ...
It’s a bit weird to include a 2005 game on a list of the best games of 2023, but the remake of this foundational game was the most purely enjoyable shooters of the year. The developers didn’t just slap a coat of paint on one of my favorite games of all time, they somehow made...
The best video game stories of all time, from Mass Effect 2's intergalactic soap opera to Life is Strange's affecting drama.
The One S video game console supports displaying the image on the connected compatible displaying device at the 4К resolution not only when watching videos from an online service or a Blu-Ray disc but also when playing games (upscaling from the FullHD resolution). The video subsystem of the...
2023 is already off to a strong start in terms of game releases. PS5, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch all received notable new exclusives, while multiplatform AA games and indies helped add even more depth and flavor to January’s game lineup. From rhythm-based action games to engaging...
The best video game movies of all time, from Silent Hill, to Resident Evil, and 2020's Sonic the Hedgehog
understands that video games are an inherently playful medium and that there’s no shame in getting a little silly. The action-horror classic is a quintessential video game largely based on how well it walks the line between unsettling horror film and goofball B-movie camp. The fact that it...
3 Video Games That Feature the Card Game Craps By Editorial StaffSeptember 5, 2024 Craps is by far the most commonly played dice game on the planet. It has been around for centuries now… Features List of Best-Selling Games in Every Console Generation From 1998 By Phil JamesJuly 31, 202...