and the competitive player has much better options available, including other starters. It’s not all bad, though. Bayleef and Meganium’s designs are the perfect sequels to Venusaur, resulting in a far more pleasant and flowery design than...
best_move_sets_and_matchups_v2 6 15 Best Move Sets and Match-Ups v2 TheSilphRoad 16 7 18 10 : 26 Or [F_dps] > [S_dps]*4 when types are different (to account for one being x0.5 and the other x2) The calculation is based on Venusaur’s defence = 124 at lvl 20; which is...
butitdoesn’tchangethe ordertoomuchreally. WiththeadditionofthedataofMewandotherLegendaryPokemontheresultsareobviouslyscrewedheavilyto them. UnlesspeoplewantitIwon'tputupthe"topXXmoveset"asit'sbasicallyjustthelegos. BestMove-SetforeachPokemonbasedonPeak RANKDEXNAMEPEAKFASTSPECIAL 213Venusaur1.786829VineWhip...