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The article presents various national park lodges in the U.S. including Ahwahnee in California, Old Faithful Inn in Wyoming and Big Meadows Lodge in Virginia. The Ahwahnee is an image of wild elegance and mimic the grandness of Yosemite Valley. Old F...
the Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior management members of the Bank guarantee that the information contained in this annual report does not include any false records, misleading statements or material omissions, and assume several and joint liabilities for its truthfulness, accuracy...
together with its high electricity production (kWh/kW installed), makes HCPV levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) competitive with that generated by fossil-fueled power plants in certain sunny locations." Most technology challenges identified early, at the beginning of HCPV development, have already ...
自1949 年以来作为跑步界的重磅选手,Asics 从一句拉丁语中汲取品牌名称,意思是“健康体魄、健康心灵”。最初依托元年款高帮篮球鞋备受青睐,后来为奥林匹克运动会打造马拉松训练鞋,Asics 运动鞋成为全球训练活动和周末休闲活动的必备之选。以品牌的标志性墨西哥条纹为主打(致敬 1968 年墨...
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BEST OF BOB LAPEReviews are offered for several restaurants in New York which include Rack & Soul in Manhattan, New York City, Thunder Jackson in Manhattan, and Wildwood Barbeque at Park Avenue South.Crains New York Business
The article reports that a series of newspaper and out-of-home advertisements for the French-language Historia channel featuring Pablo Picasso, Albert Einstein, John Lennon and Adolf Hitler won the Grand Coq d'Or in advertising at last month's 46th concours de création of the Publicité Club ...
Martin Schwarze a bVirag Borsai bRudi Georg Bitsch a bJohannes Adrian Eckert a bSebastian Jger bThe Knee