As the wise shopkeeper Gregor once said; “if you aren’t winning, try a bigger sword.” Well, in our case; if you just so happen to be up against one of these heartless bullies in ARAM, we just might run poor Gregor out of business. But, on the other hand. If for some reason...
Recommended Twitch Counter Picks and Champion Matchups. We also included Champions That Are Good With Twitch in 14.21.
+ 6% WR 53.21% Smolder 340 games + 4% + 3% + 3% WR 52.94% Karthus 58 games WR 52.59% Jhin 1104 games + 2% + 1% + 3% WR 52.45% Lucian 570 games + 20% + 2% + 2% WR 52.37% Corki 180 games + 3% + 1% + 1% Varus
Recommended Aatrox Counter Picks and Champion Matchups. We also included Champions That Are Good With Aatrox in 14.21.
Varus 234 games ⮩ + 12% + 8% + 7% WR 54.49% Aphelios 144 games ⮩ + 21% + 9% + 7% WR 55.56% Zeri 244 games ⮩ + 13% + 9% + 8% WR 55.74% Vayne 68 games ⮩ + 13% + 4% WR 55.88% Tristana 74 games ⮩ ...
Build One Trick Build Synergy Counters Arena ARAM Filters Solo Queue Emerald + Global 14.21 Smolder Champions 53.39% Win Rate 2.95% Play Rate 0.16% Ban Rate 1991 Matches Best Counters Best Smolder Counters These champions are strong against Smolder as a Bot Lane counter. We also included...
Varus 42 games WR 46.43% Sion 70 games ⮩ + 2% + 5% WR 46.43% Tahm Kench 46 games WR 46.74% Volibear 216 games ⮩ + 2% + 4% + 5% WR 46.76% + 27% + 18% GD@15 213 Quinn WR55.43% 46 games GD@15 192 Camille WR45.00% ...
Recommended Kai'Sa Counter Picks and Champion Matchups. We also included Champions That Are Good With Kai'Sa in 14.21.
52.85% Ezreal 342 games + 2% + 2% + 8% WR 52.19% Jinx 166 games + 3% + 7% + 12% WR 51.51% Varus 106 games + 5% + 1% WR 51.42% Zeri 186 games + 1% + 4% + 13% WR 51.34% Lucian 134 games Aphelios 68 games + 11% ...