If you’re looking to target the largest muscle in your back, we suggest the lat pulldown. This exercise allows for heavier weights and more reps because your body will generally be stabilized by the machine, making it one of the best upper body pull exercises you can do. Variations To ...
The lats can be tough muscle to engage when not properly worked. Use this list of the best lower lat exercises to bring yours up to par.
I’m not going to give you a random collection of dumbbell chest exercises… Each of my choices has got a purpose behind it! These exercises will help you hit the upper, mid and lower chest using dumbbells only. I’ll show you what to do whether you are training for hypertrophy, streng...
Because of that movement, typical lat exercises involve a pulling or rowing motion. The following exercises show various ways to work the lat muscles usingdumbbellsandresistance bands. Remember that these are large muscles, so you can typically use a heavier weight, depending on the exercise. Test...
If you are looking to build size and strength in your upper body, incorporating a few of the best shoulder exercises into your regime is a must-do. Critical to developing a complete routine, shoulderworkoutsare designed to widen the upper back and bring you one step closer to that desirable...
4) WHAT ARE THE BEST CHEST EXERCISES? In the previous section I showed you some of the most important elements of a great chest workout routine and some exercises for each. But if you’re looking for even more of the best chest exercises for middle, upper and lower pecs, I’ve got ...
The exercises also target muscles in the shoulders, chest, and forearms. Variations of the pulldown can either be more demanding or less demanding on these muscles. We look at two variations: the lat pulldown and the straight arm pulldown....
The brachialis muscle is most active when your forearm is in the neutral position, i.e., palms facing inward. That means your brachialis gets a great workout whenever you do any of the following back exercises: Narrow, neutral grip lat pulldown ...
Of all the exercises you can do for your chest, this is probably the best. The incline angle means you hit your mid and upper chest really hard, and using dumbbells provides your pecs with a deep, muscle-building stretch. Pec exercises don’t come much better than this. How to do it...
Incorporating kick-back exercises target all tricep muscles, including emphasizing the long-head tricep during the entire movement. This exercise also helps strengthen the upper body and core as the body remains still while working through the motions. To perform the Single-Arm Cable Kick-Back, ...