Shotgun Life is the first online magazine devoted to the great people who participate in the shotgun sports. Our goal is to provide you with the best coverage in wing and clays shooting, including places to shoot, ways to improve your shooting and the la
This air rifle can be adjusted to become the ideal upland or bushytail hunting rifle. This is thanks to the removable choke, which will reduce the inner barrel down to .486’, from .494’. This will allow for a consistent shot stream, and a 12’ spread at 20 yards out. You should ...
The CZ 620 Field Select is my pick for thebest 20 gauge shotgun under $500. Notably, it is the first CZ to make the list of the best pump shotguns under $500, but it certainly deserves to be on it. The CZ 620 can cover all upland bird hunting demands without busting your wallet....
These expert-recommended turkey vests and backpacks are ideal for both minimalist hunters on the move and those who sit all day in the field.
Where steel shot is mandated, the effective range of a skeet choke extends from 10 to 30 yards. Improved Cylinder (IC) Chokes The improved cylinder choke has long been popular with upland game bird hunters. In most cases, adding an improved cylinder choke to your 12 gauge shotgun will give...
Best Rangefinder Under 200 Rangefinders are used to help you measure the distance of your target so as to be able to make an accurate shot. Rangefinders can be used for hunting and other outdoor activities such as bird watching and playing golf. For hunting, the rangefinder is used together...
Best 8+ Gun Cases to Keep Your Firearm Safe and Secure Read More » Guns Best 6+ .22 Air Rifles for Quiet and Powerful Shooting Read More » Guns Best 6+ Rifle Cases for Maximum Protection and Storage Read More » Guns Best 6+ Rifle Scopes Under $500 That Deliver Accuracy ...
17. Cabela’s Upland Hunter Cool Mesh Vest Great for pheasant hunters! This vest combines a modern, breathable style with plenty of hi-viz orange for improved safety. Bird hunters need a good shooting vest, which gives you easy access to shotgun shells as well as a rear pocket for carryin...
So all you off-season deer hunters switching over, listen up. We'll cover the beastly hogs' anatomy, weapons, and kill-shot secrets for safety and success. Let's go stick some bacon!READ MORE How often should you clean your gun? Guns are intricate machines needing regular care for safe...
Shotgun Life is the first online magazine devoted to the great people who participate in the shotgun sports. Our goal is to provide you with the best coverage in wing and clays shooting, including places to shoot, ways to improve your shooting and the la