Know your credit score to understand which cards you’re likely to qualify for. Most unsecured cards require a credit score of 670 or higher for the best terms. Step 2 Compare Interest Rates and Fees Unsecured cards may have higher APRs and fees. Look for cards with reasonable rates and mi...
Responsible usage of a secured card can help improve a credit score, making it easier to qualify for unsecured cards in the future. Student Credit Cards: Specifically designed for college students, these cards help young adults start building credit history. They often feature lower credit limits ...
Consumers with bad credit can obtain unsecured credit cards even when they have subprime credit scores. The issuers of these cards are willing to take a leap of faith that you’ll pay your bill on time despite the blemishes on your credit report. But before you get all misty-eyed about ...
Credit CardandChase Freedom® Rise℠ Card. According toone commenter, the Freedom Rise is “an unsecured credit builder card without any real disadvantages when compared to ‘normal’ cards.” This could the card a great long-term option that holds value even after you’ve built credit ...
It stands out from other secured cards in that it earns rewards and offers a a clear path to upgrading to an unsecured credit card. Cardmembers receive an automatic review after seven months to see if they are eligible to upgrade to an unsecured card and have the deposit refunded. This ...
Best low-interest credit cards of 2025. The credit cards with the richest rewards, plushest perks, lowest interest rates and longest 0% periods are available only to those with good to excellent credit. If you're still building your credit (or rebuilding it after a misstep), you'll want...
Personal loan rates are usually fixed with average APRs much lower than average credit card APRs. They’re typically unsecured, so you don’t risk losing an asset like your home or car if you can’t repay it. Personal loans are popular for debt consolidation but can be used for just abou...
Starting seven months from account opening, Discover will automatically start to review your credit card account to see if they can transition you to an unsecured line of credit and return your deposit. This takes the guesswork out of wondering when you'll qualify for an unsecured credit card....
Doesn’t require a high credit score. Path to graduate to an unsecured version. Cons Higher APR. Balance transfer fee. Requires a security deposit. The Bank of America Customized Cash Back Secured offers customizable rewards allowing customers to choose the rewards that best fit their spending hab...
See our best credit cards for bad credit. 🤓Nerdy Tip NerdWallet generally recommends secured credit cards for those with bad credit because you can get your security deposit back when you move up to a better card. The fees on unsecured cards for bad credit, by contrast, are often ...