The show follows the Marshall family consisting of father Rick and his two children Will and Holly - who are trapped in an alternate universe inhabited by dinosaurs, monkey-like people called Pakunis, and the reptilian Sleestaks. Notable for its imaginative premise and use of stop-motion ...
Copenhagen is famed for its high quality of life, progressive politics and beautiful landscapes. It scores well in the desirability indicator this year, which takes into account the overall quality of life to be had in each city, including factors such as safety and pollution. There are two un...
The city has played a key role throughoutUShistory and politics. It was here that the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, and here that the Liberty Bell – a symbol of US independence – is housed. This rich history, combined with a good selection of museums, galleries and thr...
Rather than being made to depend on a particular interpretive method, the project of transformative constitutionalism should be open to all participants, subject only to respect for the fundamental tenets of non-violent, democratic, law-driven social change.Theunis Roux...
AnnetteBrülsof Medela VladShmunisof RingCentral Comparably ranked the CEOs according to how high they each scored on a series of questions including: Do you approve of your CEO? How would you rate your CEO? Do you approve of your CEO’s management style?
Osaka has a long history of being an international gateway for trade, politics and knowledge. Today, it remains a key economic and cultural hub, with a large and diverse population and an economy bigger than some entire countries. It offers a good selection of art exhibitions, live music and...
Average international fees (at ranked unis) US$25,700 Desirability rank 31st Employer Activity rank 42nd Affordability rank 104th Student View rank 48th To find out how each of the above categories is calculated, view the methodology. Why study in Canberra? Cultural capital of Australia As we...