Moonlight Whispers is a 1999 Japanese film directed by Akihiko Shiota and based on the manga Gekko no sasayaki by Masahiko Kikuni. Actors: Harumi Inoue, Chika Fujimura, Kenji Mizuhashi, Tsugumi, Kouta Kusano Directed by: Akihiko Shiota 60 Vital 2004 7 votes Vital is a Japanese film made in...
Lunistice is a 3D Platformer created with simple but fun gameplay and a cute PS1/SEGA Saturn inspired artstyle in mind. Take the role of Hana the Tanuki and jump and fight through her dreams! Developer: A Grumpy Fox Genres (Video game): Platform, Adventure, Indie Also ranks #33 on The...
Japanese cinema has a rich history of folktales and ghost stories – and Kaneto Shindo’s erotic horrorOnibabais a sublime example of both. Nobuko Otowa and Jitsuko Yoshimura star as a woman and her daughter-in-law who, while their men are off at war, survive by killing samurai lost in...
For our giant-sized countdown of erotic movies, we go deep into the annals of cinema history and pull out some prime ’80s sleaze (9 1/2 Weeks, Body Double), international and arthouse flicks (3-D Sex and Zen, Romance), LGBTQ-focused (Blue is the Warmest Color, Stranger by the ...
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掌桥科研 ResearchGate onAcademic (全网免费下载) 查看更多 相似文献A commentary on the principle of the child's best interests—the weakness and improvement of marriage and family law International documents like the Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959) and ...