Great jungle clear. Good objective control because of fast jungle clear. Great pick potential because of his E and movement speed. See Udyr in action #1 Maokai Image View Gallery Direct nerfs to him and his item cannot stop this tree monster. Maokai has been outright the best jungler since...
Volibear Probuilds for Patch from Pro players. Volibear is mostly played on position Jungle / Top. Find your winning Volibear Pro Builds.
[14.24] SKARNER JUNGLE - (Challenger Skarner OTP EUW) GuidebyHoucsupdatedJanuary 1, 2025 RatingPending [14.24] Airelia's Irelia TOP (KR) GuidebyAireliaupdatedDecember 30, 2024 NewGuide Zac Top/Mid guide Guidebyballsniffer112updatedDecember 28, 2024 ...
Lux Jungle Synergy The 3 best Jungle Synergy picks good with Lux are Udyr, Kindred, and Jarvan IV. # Win Pick Game 1 59.15% 0.85% 82 2 54.09% 1.14% 110 3 54.25% 1.10% 106 4 52.94% 1.41% 136 5 54.76% 0.87% 84 6 52.78%
Dragon Oracle Udyr Scarlet Hammer Poppy Dragonslayer Pantheon Dragon Knight Mordekaiser Dragon Trainer Lulu Dragonslayer Diana Dragon Sorceress Zyra Dragonslayer Braum Pentakill III: Lost Chapter Kayle All hail, Kayle, the Bringer of Woe! With the strength of a self-righteous angel, she claims justic...
Build One Trick Build Synergy Counters Arena ARAM Filters Solo Queue Emerald + Global 14.21 Garen Champions 52.85% Win Rate 2.61% Play Rate 0.22% Ban Rate 1949 Matches Best Counters Garen Jungle Synergy The 3 best Jungle Synergy picks good with Garen are Udyr, Lillia, and Rengar. # ...
Udyr Kha’Zix The void reaver has always been at the top of almost all jungle champion tier list since his release. His ability to deal burst damage and slip away with his ultimate is such an overpowered combo that can whittle tanks down or burst squishy carries and resetting his E to ju...
’s not much riding on your shoulders, because you’re the new guy playing the jungle, but imagine if you show up, play champions like Lee Sin, and absolutely decimate some of the most household names in the LEC. It’ll be f...
Udyr 174 games + 5% + 8% WR 52.01% Evelynn 104 games + 3% WR 51.92% Warwick 116 games + 13% WR 51.72% Nidalee 530 games + 20% + 14% + 7% WR 50.47% Vi 232 games + 13% + 11% WR 50.43% Ivern 142 games + 2% WR 50.35% ...
Udyr 54 games WR 50.93% Zac 46 games WR 51.09% Volibear 38 games WR 51.32% Poppy 34 games WR 51.47% Skarner 84 games ⮩ + 9% WR 52.38% Nocturne 58 games WR 52.59% Xin Zhao 58 games ⮩ + 4% WR 52.59% + 10% + 8%